Facebook is 14th Today Feb. 4th 2018. Message from Mark zuckerkerberg
Today is Facebook's 14th birthday. It's a moment to reflect on how far we've come from that dorm room at Harvard and how far we still have to go to bring the world closer together. And it's a moment to think about what we need to do better. Sometimes people ask what I've learned along the way. I was 19 when I started Facebook, and I didn't know anything about building a company or global internet service. Over the years I've made almost every mistake you can imagine. I've made dozens of technical errors and bad deals. I've trusted the wrong people and I've put talented people in the wrong roles. I've missed important trends and I've been slow to others. I've launched product after product that failed. The reason our community exists today is not because we avoided mistakes. It's because we believe what we're doing matters enough to keep trying to solve our greatest challenges -- knowing full well that we'll fail agai...